Age of children


Hotel services

Hotel Chiusarelli offers different services for its guests, including:
Room service
Free Internet Access (Wi-Fi)
Our hotel offers Wi-Fi access in all rooms.
External laundry service
Laundry pick-up/delivery in 24/48 hours. Service on request for an additional fee.

Parking / Garage

Guests have access to a small free car park. A garage is also available at a cost of EUR 15.00 per day.
Parking cannot be booked in advance.

Very close to the hotel you can also find:
- free car parking space near the Fortezza as well as a private garage,
- a car park in the Stadium (free during the night, €2 from 7am to 8pm)
- free parking spaces are also available all around the Fortezza.

Terrace facing the green area

We have a quiet terrace in the garden ideal for relaxing, reading a book or sipping a glass of wine.

Restaurant "Gli Orti di San Domenico"


Hotel Chiusarelli will brighten your stay in Siena with its restaurant where you can taste typical dishes of Tuscan cuisine in a cosy and friendly atmosphere.
The rich breakfast buffet is served in a wide and bright veranda from the early hours of the morning.

Antica Querciolaia Spa

During your stay in Siena you can treat yourself to a relaxing spa break at Antica Querciolaia, which works in partnership with our hotel. The spa is 25 km away from Siena, easily accessible by car in just 20 minutes.

At Antica Querciolaia all of our guests can enjoy a discount of 10% off any treatment at the Wellness Centre.

Tour booking service

You can enjoy your stay in Siena or arrange day trips by bus to Florence, Rome, and San Gimignano. The bus stop is just 200 meters away from our hotel.

Our hotel is at your disposal to organize guided tours of Siena, of the Chianti area, of San Gimignano, and tours to Montalcino with tasting of Brunello.

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